Order Changes

  • Can I Add/Remove Items From My Order?

    To request changes to your order, please reach out to us within 1 hour of placing your order at support@betterhearing.com. We'll do our best to assist you promptly. Order changes can only be made if your order has not yet been prepared for shipping by our logistics team. We prioritize fast proce...
  • Can I Cancel My Order Once It Has Been Placed?

    We prioritize the quick processing and shipping of orders to ensure timely delivery. As a result, cancellations can only be accommodated if your order hasn't yet been prepared for shipping by our logistics team. Once the shipping process begins, it becomes challenging to halt it. Therefore, early...
  • Can I Change The Shipping Address For My Order?

    If you wish to update the shipping address of your order, please reach out to us within 1 hour at support@betterhearing.com. We understand that sometimes plans change, so we'll do our best to accommodate your request. Just a heads up, though – we can only make changes to your order if it hasn't ...